Monday, March 29, 2010


To many good things are taken out of context. If something can exist by itself, whether a book, music, an idea, or a person, don't screw it up.


Saturday, March 27, 2010


"hear any good music recently? jk
it was nice, I just prefer tonality"

I don't mean to point fingers or call anyone an Idiot, but I love when people don't understand. It makes them look like Idiots. (Whoops, just called that individual an Idiot) Quotes like this and other similar criticisms show that your simple music is to complex for a fellow music composer to understand or care to understand. Or even have the ability to listen with open ears. Shame on him. Or shame on his ability to use words.


Friday, March 26, 2010


Recently I viewed some ideas promoting the ideas of Ghandi: What you do in life may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it. I have thought this for a long time, but was not quite at the stage to understand the concept. What this blog stands for is what I believe I am supposed to be doing. I believe it is extremely important that I continue to be committed to the process. What I am doing in this life does seem insignificant, but I must do it. Nothing in this life is unpurposeful. It all has meaning. We can turn from responsibility and run from all who we are; or we can face these small overwhelming challenges and be the people we are supposed to be. By the age of 22 Ghandi had 3 children, Mozart wrote 30 symphonies, and Buddy Holly was dead. No action in life is useless or meaningless. Don't loose sight. Do what must be done.

What you do in life is important enough to be done.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Music is a funny thing. It serves those who know nothing about it, yet enslaves those who try understand it. Perhaps this is the way with all knowledge, but I can only claim that I try to understand music. Some people think they understand other things, but their measly thinking quickly leads to fault. If a person is not centered (perfectly or imperfectly) on a desire, then all their attempts to achieve it will fall by the wayside.

I spent 45 minutes listening to 4 people play instruments. 2 were only trying in the moment. 1 was on a path to understanding. And 1 was helped more than once back onto that path. All 4 were musicians, but not all of them wanted understanding.

Knowledge doesn't care about desire. Understanding leads to a confirmation of knowledge: desire.


Thursday, March 18, 2010


I'm currently traveling with a singing group. We have good companionship and good taste, but beyond that we lack desire and motivation.

I have recently been working on some very specific ensemble pieces. The exactness has nothing to do with form, but more with instruments and tonal color. I am using a specific set of instruments: piano, double bass, bari sax, viola, mezzo-soprano, and flute. I am using a specific set of colors: Atonal ideas fed back into tonal music. Creates quite the blend. I am currently working on three different ideas, which means I am working with three different movements of the same work. Hopefully I will not have to start work on a fourth, but music is a mysterious thing, even more so for a person who lives with it everyday.

If you would like some quirky sound bites please email me at .


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


When I wake up my mind is perfectly clear. I am ready for the day. But without even moving 10 steps, pouring myself coffee, or sitting down at my piano, I have already set in motion the rest of my day.
As I lay in bed this night, I think upon all that I have accomplished today. It all began with some of the most bitter coffee I have ever made. My emotions were very obvious to me today. But I as I lay here, I am also listening. Listening to a score that is making my mind clear and free like when I first woke up. Listening to a score where I am no longer a human being, but I become the piece of art. Listening to a score that takes my emotions away for a few brief beautiful seconds, and lets me live free.

Whatever you are doing when you read this blog: Stop. Go shut your office door, put your book down, have your classroom listen to this score, stop moving and sit. Take a deep breath. And please just listen. If you have spent 10 minutes with this score please listen again. If you have spent 20 or 30 or 40 minutes with this score please just listen again. I am begging you to listen to this piece again right now. Stop whatever you are doing and listen.

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but when you listen to this piece with open ears, you will be held in beauty.


Sunday, March 7, 2010


Correction: My writing was not drying up. I just didn't know what I was doing. The piece I have been thinking about just opened up. It is a piece for solo Flute and accompaniment that has opened its' doors to the ideas for many other pieces. As a quasi prelude, it has given rise to other instruments being able to voice their opinions and particular sounds. I think this piece will be a great opening number to my recital. All the ideas I have been mulling over I find in this piece.

This short, 1.5 minute piece holds the creative energy of a symphony. Now to control it.


Friday, March 5, 2010


I am not sure of what to think of Hindemith. Unlike most people I know I will listen to him again to be sure I heard him right and in the mean time do a little research.

Writing is drying up. To much to think about.



Wednesday, March 3, 2010


As I work through two movements of this piece I am first overwhelmed by the amount of music that I want to write and am writing, but can never find the time to put down on paper. The relation of volume to quality is a very big "key" that I seem to be missing. I can pump out music like nobody's business, but its' quality is incredibly poor. With these pieces I still have 4 weeks to prepare them and it will take all 4 weeks for them to be ready. So far only 2 pieces are underway, but I trust that they will form themselves soon and bend themselves to my ear. I am the cause of this musical field and I must ensure its' security, originality, validity, punctuality, possibilities, program, and existence. If I am not ready to be accountable for every note, then I must delete every note.

On another note, I am beginning to hear music more clearly in my ear. A healthy dose of purposeful listening, writing, and playing has ensured this.



Monday, March 1, 2010


This mornings practice went well. Enjoyed playing Kabalevsky and Barkok. Finally feel like I am playing the piano again vs. practicing the piano. A much nicer and more needed feeling. Looking forward to what this week hold musically and emotionally.

Since I was finally playing my mind wandered over my present life and everything going on in it.

Currently I am writing a piece for small ensemble. This is turning into a massive piece (3 movs). But much, much more than that this piece (I am realizing) is going to be the basis my harmonic, rhythmic, and formal language for the next 5-10 years. This piece is the beginning of a well thought out musical dialogue with the world. Hopefully the out come is good, but who knows.

My life is being overtaken by this piece, not that I mind, so I am trying to keep myself balanced with an appropriate amount of social time. So far so good.

Hopefully you listened to the Gorecki.
